Helen Ice, Tomb each ewe.

Helen Ice, Tomb each ewe is an interactive print that depends on collaboration and competition for completion. A set of fifty cards exist and are distributed when I am present (usually at an opening). Within those fifty cards, there are five sets of nine that form a limited edition of five prints. Each set completed and submitted will influence the original matrix. The first set completed will have the most direct influence.

These cards create a limited edition of 5 prints. Help complete the edition by playing.

Getting Cards:

  • Ask me for some cards. If you end up losing all your cards you can ask for more.
  • Say “Helen Ice!” aloud to challenge or find a player.
  • Answer “Tomb each ewe.” to accept.
  • Yellow cards are read aloud and followed.
  • Each player drops or flips their card to the floor.
  • The challenger keeps cards that land image side up.
  • The accepter keeps cards that land text side up.

Completing a Set:

  • Send a picture of a set of 9 to complete 1 print.
  • A set must contain only 1 edition number.